Timeline for the Life of Donald McRae of Glen Shiel

Donald McRae was born in Druidaig, Kintail, Scotland on 16 October 1827 to his father Farquhar MacRae, alias Farq oag.

Donald came into the world joining one elder brother, Murdoch MacRae, two elder sisters, Ann MacRae and Catherine MacRae, and four years later, he was joined by a younger sister, Isabella MacRae.

In 1851, according to that year’s census, at the age of 24, Donald left Kintail, and walked (and likely hitched a ride in a cart part way) for a 129 mile trek from Kintail to Huntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. For a time, he was a lodger at Boginspro in Huntly.  He then found work at the Huntly Castle Lodge, the home of Elizabeth Brodie, the last Dutchess of Gordon.  NOTE: Currently (2024), the Huntly Castle Lodge is called the Castle Hotel Huntly and is in private business ownership.

On 15 Nov 1856, at Huntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Donald McRae married his sweetheart Jane Dickie, who was born to Alexander Dickie.  Donald and Jane (Dickie) MacRae lived and raised their family on the property and residence of the Duke and Duchess of Gordon.  Donald worked as a shepherd.

Short background of the Duke of Gordon:  In 1836, the Duke of Gordon died (and the Dukedom of Gordon became extinct).  His wife, the Duchess, moved to Huntly Castle Lodge.  In 1864, the Duchess passed away and Huntly Castle Lodge closed down many of its operations.  Donald, along with his family now consisting of his wife and three children, Catherine, Alexander, and William Black, moved to Boharm, Moray, Scotland, where he was a shepherd at Tomhead (pronounced Tomheed).

He spend almost 30 years living at Tomhead on the Arndilly Estate and it was there that six more children were born, Jane, John, James, Donald, Allan, and Mary Isabella.

By 1901, Donald Mcrae and family moved to Aikenway Croft in Rothes, Moray, Scotland where he remained at work as a shepherd.

On 18 Dec 1909, Donald McRae, the son of Farquhar MacRae of Morvich (Ross and Cromarty) passed away at the age of 82.  He is buried with his wife, Jane (Dickie) MacRae, at the Rothes Old Churchyard, with the following inscription on their marker:

In loving memory of Donald McRae, for 36 years shepherd at Arndilly who died at the croft, Aikenway, 18 Dec 1909 age 83. Also in loving memory of his widow Jane Dickie who died at Aikenway croft 15 Nov 1919 age 84. They shall rest in their graves until the resurrection

NOTE:  Last name spellings, either of MacRae or McRae, are synonymous with each other.  As MacRae researchers are aware, there are several variations of MacRae surnames.

The above timeline is documented  and beyond dispute.

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As part of a family genealogy project, which began 14 months ago in 2011, I felt it necessary to blog a lineage report which would be accessible to the other researchers.  The object of this necessity is the hope of sharing  further information, both forwards and backwards in time about my family line of MacRae (and McRae for some older generations).

I am a novice genealogy researcher, but far from a novice researcher, as I am a retired federal criminal investigator.  The documentation I present is factual and can not be disputed.  However, I am still lacking information about Farquhar MacRae of Morvich, Scotland.  And with that lack of information, I will also present some variable theories, which will be plainly noted as such.

If a more knowledgeable Scotland genealogist or MacRae family researcher comes across this blog, please contact me with either your theories, or factual information.